We were honored to have Isaac Baptized by his very own Godfather, Msgr. Hart. We were so humbled to have Msgr Hart and Mrs Hart so graciously agree to be the Godparents of Isaac, playing such a special role in his life.....in the most important part of his life, indeed!

(I absolutely LOVE this picture! Look at how Sweet Little Isaac and Msgr Hart are holding hands)
"Heavenly Father, “from whom every family in heaven and on earth takes
its name,” (Eph 3:15) we ask you to bless our family and each child You
have given us in Your immense mercy. We entrust and consecrate them to
You for Your greater glory and ask that You enkindle in them the fire of
Your Holy Spirit so that they may fully embrace the call to salvation
that you have made to each one of us."
We wholeheartedly offered this little soul up to our Lord the minute that we found out that we were blessed with another baby
"Above all, bestow upon our children, the
Spirit’s gifts of wisdom and understanding, so that they may be able to
discern their proper calling in life and their particular pathway for
dedicating themselves to the work of Your Kingdom. Grant them also a
spirit of deep generosity and faith as they consider how best to serve
You with the gift of their lives."
Through fervent prayer, without having one single discussion with each other, Jeremy and I both knew almost instantly that Msgr Hart and Mrs Hart would be the perfect Godparents to guide our precious little Isaac down the narrow path towards heaven. I love when God is so forthright in what His Holy Will is for us (as He knows that I struggle to hear Him speaking so sweetly to me sometimes) That was a true blessing
What an joyous day for Isaac, and our entire family along the Communion of Saints
Dear little Isaac, we promise to offer you up to our Lord, praying for true holiness each and every day of your life
We are so grateful that such faith-filled Godparents so graciously agreed to lead our little lamb home
They really do mean the world to Jeremy and I...what special people they are to us.
Lots of family were there to celebrate this most important of Sacraments....Isaac's first Sacrament of many to come. We promise, as your mommy and daddy, to do our best to protect your soul, as we prepare you to face the world all on your own someday, answering your unique calling, to serve our Lord
We love you little baby boy