Dear Baby Isaac,
Mommy is waiting for you. You have been constantly swimming around in my tummy and now that you have grown so well, you don't have a lot of room to swim. Our Dear Lord Jesus held you so close to His heart, keeping you safe from the shortcomings of mommy's weak body.
(My Little Man)
In the past few months, I would just close my eyes and dream about you, imagining Jesus' strong Arms around you, and you snuggling and cooing right up next to His Chest. I know that this is not possible, but I pray that you can remember the Sweet Smell of His skin and the warmth of the absolute Love that He is.
(Can you see Isaac's face? This is a close up of his nose and mouth and chin..He's facing the camera)
I must praise Sweet Jesus for also showering me 3 1/2 great months of health and peace. Better health than I started with! You are amazing little boy. Because you needed a safe and secure womb to grow in, and because our Lord loves you and I SO MUCH.....He granted me health beyond my expectations. My lungs have been working better with your sweet soul in me, than they have in the past 5 years!! Everyone was and is amazed at that. The world still doesn't understand the workings of our Creator BUT when my Jesus was working in me, no one could help but stand and take notice. He was Glorified through you, Isaac. The world could not possibly argue the facts that were put in front of them. Daddy and I, along with our so many faithful friends and faithful souls who prayed for us so fervently, could see Him working from the beginning. In the end, He brought the world to it's knees as they saw His Glory.....He is "Am who Am" "The Mountains will bow down and the seas will roar at the sound of His Name". I pray that even just one seeking soul was brought closer to Him, as they stood in wonder and amazement.
On this most Holy Solemnity of the Announciation, I think back to when I found out about you. Please know that I am, and never would, liken myself to our most Holy Virgin Mary, and her most important Fiat as the true handmade. I think of her only because, I knew that it was our Lord, but my human-ness created a fear for your little precious life. I thought of her as I told Him (out loud as I am remembering but could be mistaken about that) "Of course I will carry this baby, but I am not sure how this will work out at this time." "I have faith though, that this is Your Will and that through this, You will be glorified just the way You have already planned." "As I sit here in wonder and fear thinking through what was just revealed to me.....just for me right one else even knows what You and I are sharing at this most pivitol moment". " I am humbled and honored to say YES...I will face this with great faith and trust in You". "I am in awe of You.....Take care of me and especially this tiny precious soul"
Isaac, I think back to that moment like it was 5 minutes ago and now I cannot believe that you are coming in a few days! I love you so much and as much as I cannot wait to see you sweet face and kiss your little feet, I don't totally want to let you go from inside of me. This was such a special time for us. We have been through a lot together. You have been a part in saving my life, little Isaac.