Friday, May 5


PROM 2017

This was very significant because the last two dances, I was unable to help Madison get ready for this most important evening as I was too sick and stuck in the hospital, so the joy that I felt being a part of helping my little girl get ready was invaluable to both of us for sure.
Special mom and daughter time

 The make up much fun
I have NEVER had my make up professionaly done belive it or not.....I would love to go to prom again!
Time for Hair....I love playing "hair salon"
She is finished and looks so glamorous
 God truly blessed us when we found this amazing dress.  Prom dress shopping can be very emotional. Jesus surprised us with this perfect dress that made Madison feel beautiful and she just shined when she put it on
The doorbell rang and Jacob was standing on the other side looking SO AMAZINGLY handsome, with a beautiful corsage..... So nerving but so exciting at the same time
 Madison was blessed to get to go to prom with her GREAT friend Jacob.....they have a very special friendship so it was destined to be an amazing eveing of fun
 Jacob is pretty shy but NEVER fails to make Madison laugh!  She comes home with Jacob stories each day.
The hardest part of the evening........The presentation and the exchange of the corsage and the boutonniere
Jacob picked a beautiful corsage for Madison 
 What a beautiful couple
 It was defininitely an evening to remember....Jacob is such a wonderful young gentleman and Madison felt like such a princess on the arm of such a kind and virtous young man
Jacob's best friend Tommy (and really a great friend of Madison's too) drove the couple to the big event
Madison and all of her girlfriends
We love was a prom that was filled with fun, friends, and lots of dancing.  
A prom that would truly please our Lord
Faustina is filled with good and virtuous kids having an absolutely amazing time!

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for gifting Madison and Jacob with such a wonderful and magical evening! A night to remember for sure.  Thank you for the joys of life that make for the best memories.  We love You so much for these blessings
kerry ann

Wednesday, May 3


What a joyous day for Gracie Ann and our entire family
Praise You Father
Our sweet Gracie Ann was blessed with the gracious permission of Bishop Michael Olsen to be confirmed this past Thursday evening by our most holy Msgr Hart

We would like to introduce to you our precious baby girl adorned with her new Confirmation name:
Gracie Ann Mary Gianna
 And just because our Amazing Lord Jesus Christ can.....He allowed little Gracie Ann to wear the dress hand made by her Grammy and Grandma (Jeremy's mom and my mom) and worn by both Madison and Savannah for their Baptisms (Gracie Ann is a year older now and it miraculously fit her)
She was also wearing the veil that my mother wore for her First Holy Communion and my sister, myself, Madison and Savannah wore for our First Holy Communions.  Every facit of this most blessed day was made special by our Lord because He is always trying to please His beloved children
She was the purest and most precious little bride of Christ

We will be eternally grateful that He blessed us with our little Gracie Ann 
Gracie Ann was ACTUALLY Baptized an hour after she was born......February 27, 2016, in the NICU at UT Southwestern, through water and the Holy Spirit, by her daddy (who was so worried about both of his girls at the time) under the direction of both Bishop Olson and Monsignor Hart.

Jeremy and I both desired the Sacrament of Baptism for our little Gracie Ann. 
It was an act of OUR faith as her parents to make certain that she would receive this most important Sacrament as soon as possible. Under this same reasoning, we desired for Gracie Ann to be Confirmed and was granted this special gift for her.
On Thrusday April 20, 2017
Confirmation is the culmination of Baptism. A Baptized/Confirmed person literally goes through an actual “Ontological Change” inside of their soul.
(Msgr Hart Anointing Gracie Ann with the Holy Chrism Oil)

This special anointing with water (Baptism) and Holy Oils (used both in Baptism and Confirmation) leaves an indelible mark on their soul that strengthens them and empowers them with Grace and the Holy Spirit to go forth and spread the good news of Our Lord Jesus Christ…
As Christ bestowed onto His Disciples on the Feast of Penticost! 
Acts 2:1-11
"When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.  Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from Heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.  They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.  All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them" 
It is like a parent choosing the most pure and natural food to keep their child’s little body healthy and strong…..even though that child does not have the understanding yet to desire that organic and nourishing food for him or herself....however, as their parents, we make sure that their little bodies are only given the best
But this is A MILLION TIMES BETTER than any food that this world could ever offer because THIS food nourishes that precious little soul held within that little body
 Gracie Ann with her Godparents.....Shelley and Harrison Lewis

Gracie Ann evangelizes through her existence and teaches us how to love, by being loved by others.  Her’s, for now, is a silent tongue of fire, but none the less valuable to this world and to our Lord, for Him to be truly glorified through.
 Gracie Ann with her Godparents and her namesake Mary Grace Lewis
 Gracie Ann with her Confirmation Sponser.....her sister Madison
Gracie Ann with her Grandma and Aunt Kelley
Our entire family with our most holy and beloved, Msgr E. James Hart

All Glory and Honor to You Lord Jesus Christ
King of Endless Glory

You are so merciful to all of Your undeserving children and for that we stand in gratitude at Your Most Beautiful Feet
Thank You for Your Great Suffering, so that we may truly live

When I survey the wondrous Cross
On which the Prince of Glory died
My richest gain, I count but loss
And pour contempt on all my pride

See from His head, His hands, His feet
Sorrow and love flow mingled down
Did ever such love and sorrow meet?
Or thorns compose, so rich a crown

Oh the wonderful Cross, oh the wonderful Cross
Bids me come and die and find that I may truly live
Oh the wonderful Cross, oh the wonderful Cross
All who gather here by grace, draw near and bless Your name

Were the whole realm of nature mine
That were an offering far too small
Love so amazing, so divine
Demands my soul, my life, my all

It's the beauty and the shame
It's the glory and the name
Wonderful Cross

Oh the wonderful Cross, oh the wonderful Cross
Bids me come and die and find that I may truly live
Oh the wonderful Cross, oh the wonderful Cross
All who gather here by grace, draw near and bless Your name

“The Wonderful Cross” -By Chris Tomlin

Dear Jesus,
 I love You with all of my heart and Jeremy and I will use every breath that we have left in us to lead these little ones back to back to You.
Thank You for blessing us with these five precious little souls
kerry ann