Sunday, March 25


My 2 boys....Daddy and Nicholas left today for the Boy Scout Campout.  Nicholas couldn't even sleep last night in anticipation for today!!!  They had some awesome boy time!!!

 They got there Saturday morning and set up their camp
 Of course there is always time to fish a little
 It was a beautiful and hot day!! Plenty of water for the men to stay hydrated
 There are my boys together just hangin out being guys!!
 More fishing....
Horse shoes....
  Hanging out with the other scouts......boys just love to sit around a campfire
There's my little boy....such a young man
 Here is Nicholas saying the Scout pledge during the special ceremony, earning his Tiger Scout patch
After a special ceremony where he had his face painted like a warrior.....he was awarded with his special patch
Wow, I am such a proud Mommy!! Congratulations Nicholas!!!
 Roasting some Marshmallows to finish the evening before retiring for some much needed sleep
The girls and I received this pic of our boys with a special goodnight message for us girls!  We love you boys.  We cannot wait until you are at home with us!