Good Friday is a day remembering our dear Lord's crucifixion on the Cross. How He suffered for us on that day!
We try to spend that day with our focus on Him and His beautiful sacrifice for save us. In the spirit of this day of suffering, we decided to join the Bishop's Pro-life Rosary Vigil outside of an Abortion Clinic in Ft. Worth. We stood across the street from the clinic (about 100 of us).....VERY peacefully and respectfully and pray the mysteries of Christ's beautiful life through our Holy Rosary.
It was very nerving for me to do this, very hot for the kids, but very GOOD for all of our souls! It is good for us to do something that we don't really want to do, and offer it up as a special prayer to our Lord.
My little sufferings caused by my fear of confrontation was a good cross to embrace, remembering all of the pain that Christ suffered for me. Without our crosses, we would not know the feeling of true joy!
Our simple hour and 1/2 act did so much good for our Pro-life cause!!!
This year, the Clinic was CLOSED for the day (last time we attended, the clinic was open, seeing patients)
They knew that us Pro-lifers were coming to pray the Rosary on Good Friday, because we always do, and so they decided not schedule any patients that day. There was not one tiny innocent baby killed at that Clinic that day!! We were touched by the difference we had made by just standing out there as a presence and a FACE of Christ for the world
What a beautiful afternoon it was! Here we are after the event laying around on the couch still in our sweaty Pro Life T-shirts! We all matched (the empty spot on the couch between Jer and I is for Madison who so sweetly offered to take a pic of us!!
On the way to the Vigil, Daddy suggested that we read the Stations of the Cross as a family to help focus on what this day is about
That was such a great way to really get our hearts prepared for what we were going to be doing and why
Later that evening, we watched a family movie called,
"Jesus" from the
Greatest Stories Ever Told series. It was a most wonderful day
Remember, without the Crucifixion, there would be no Resurrection
behold the Lamb of God
Who takes away the sins of the world, have Mercy on us