Today was Jeremy's first time to serve as an Acolyte at Mass.
Acolyte: One who assists the priest at Mass. One who has received the highest of the four minor orders in the
Catholic church, being ordained to carry the wine and water and the
lights at the Mass
Our Pastor asked Jeremy to serve as an Acolyte about a month ago. Jeremy studied for the position, wrote a letter of intention to the Bishop and went through a formal blessing by our Bishop at the Cathedral.
We feel truly blessed that Jeremy can serve our Lord in this way.
The kids and I were just elated to see our Daddy dressed for Holy Mass
Disclaimer: I normally would not take photo's during Mass, but with it being the First Holy Communion Mass, a lot of pics were being taken and I could take a few here and there without disturbing those around me
Here is Jer and his great friend, Felix (also an Acolyte) before Mass began.
I just had to take a couple of pics of my handsome with our beloved, Monsignor Hart (our Pastor) I thanked him for asking Jeremy to serve in such a special way
Being an Acolyte, Jeremy served as a Eucharist Minister during Holy Communion. He was in our section of the sanctuary! He said each of our names as he handed us the precious Flesh and Blood of our Lord Jesus. Since Nicholas is not quite old enough....Jeremy leaned down and gave him a special blessing as he made the sign of the cross on Nicholas' head. Jeremy is such a strong spiritual leader for our family! We are so blessed to have him as our daddy
I got to hold my friend, LeAnn's 3 month old baby (Carson) the ENTIRE Mass! It was awesome! A mother never forgets how it feels to hold a little one in her arms (my smallest baby is now 7). I rocked Carson to sleep with the "mommy sway" and snuggled him as he slept....of course I smelled his little head a few times too
There is my friend, Gisele, who signs for the hearing impaired at our Mass. She is a beautiful and wonderful person. There is nothing more peaceful then hearing the beautiful prayers sung during Mass, while watching Gisele gracefully sign the words
The priest, deacon, Acolytes, and Altar boys turn and reverently turn towards the Altar and bow before they leave the Sanctuary. How beautiful and powerful our Mass is. It is truly the Perfect Prayer
Today was a very special day for us. Not only was it Jeremy's first time serving our Lord in such an intimate way at Mass, but it was also the First Holy Communion Mass and our dear friends' children were making their first Holy Communions. Among the children receiving this Sacrament, was little sweet Sophia Marie, Chuckie, Sophie, Lauren, and Ava.....wonderful children of couples that are dear friends to us! We all went and celebrated after Mass with a big party at the Mira's house
How pleased Jesus is for this day! How intimate a relationship He is able to have with His little children. All of the children, dressed up so importantly, were very excited to receive their Father too!