Jeremy and I with Richard Rawlings from the reality TV show "Fast and Loud"
He smelled REALLY good too!!
We met Governor Chris Christie...we are totally hanging out with the politicians!
St.. Nicholas was there too! Guess who got the prized position of getting to sit on "The Big Guy's" lap!!
It doesn't seem like football season if you haven't spent some time with Jerry Jones.....Gotta chat with Jerry!!
Checking in with our Texas Governor, Gregg Abbott. Such an honorable guy too....just so happens, he's a faithful Catholic....just sayin'
What.....a selfie with THE ACTUAL "Papa John" of Papa John's Pizza!! I told him how much I LOVED his pizza (which I really do love it) and He handed me a Papa Johns gift card!!
Kori Robertson from Duck Dynasty.....Even though she didn't even see me as she walked by, I totally consider her one of my girlfriends now : )
I was very starstruck when I saw Willy Robertson from Duck Dynasty......Hey, I just became friends with his wife : )
Emmit Smith....very humble to smile for my picture.....why didn't I make this one a selfie?!?!? I guess that I was too nervous
But, I must add that.....during the game, we got to enjoy an elegant and totally yummy buffet in the Cowboys Club
There is the top of my head sitting down with my big plate full of food
Oh my goodness, I didn't want to stop eating!! It was truly a banquet fit for a king! I was so humbled to get to taste all of this incredible food and be blessed enough to attend this unbelievable party. There were tons of yummy main dishes, desserts, and even sushi!! All of my favorites!
And that was not even the end of this incredible experience! We got to take a tour of the Cowboys tour bus
Wow it was so dazzling and luxurious inside! The Cowboys travel in comfort and style, I must say!
Silk couches that were SO soft and glass curio cabinets with expensive crystal figurines displayed inside.
Reclining leather chairs, wood floors and 8 big screen TVs so that no sporting event is missed while traveling on the road.
All in all, it was a day that I will never forget! So many people will never get to experience all of these glorious moments that I got to, so I am thankful today for all of the kindness that we were shown by our friends, who invited us to share in their joyous occasion.