The kids realize that there will be more pictures of Isaac than we have probably of all 3 of them put together. Isaac was our first "Smart Phone" baby. 10 years ago, when Nicholas was a baby and the girls were still cell phone did NOT take pictures and I rarely had my camera with me. We all enjoy (especially the kids) enjoy taking pictures of their new baby brother. Here are just some of them that make us all smile
Big Blue Eyes
Again with his crazy amazing blue eyes....he's such a darling!
That HUGE baby face that is just so joyful.....and look at those yummy leg rolls
Isaac from his Paci's point of view
We all love his "Goblin" just so funny
I love his long whispy blonde hair. When I smell his freshly washed hair, it is so fine that it actually goes right up my nose!!! And he has so much that it looks like a wig sometimes
That unmistakable and precious Open-mouth baby smile
He is IN his walker (I put him in it so that I could do some dishes without him getting into stuff) but the way that the walker was built (to stabilize it so that it does not tip forward) he was able to actually climb right into the was crazy but a little funny too
Yikes! Good thing I was in the room when he did that! He immediately started grabbing glasses off of the top rack......Within another 10 seconds or so, there would've been a lot of dangerous broken glass all around!
SNOW DAY: The kids were blowing up their sleds to go outside and play in the snow...Isaac wanted to try one out
Isaac, just sitting around in an "Amazon Prime" box
Selfies at Rosa's Cafe'...I take most of the pics in the family, so every once in a while try to be in a photo just to prove that I was really there!!
2 minutes later......very upset and crying at Rosa's Cafe'
5 minutes later.......happy and eating shredded cheddar cheese at Rosa's Cafe'
Pushing buttons on the TV remote control
Texting his friends on Daddy's iPhone....What do you think he is typing to them?
Joy-filled baby Isaac
Pushing his new grocery cart around my the cart, was his sippy cup, that we call "cuppy cup" and other "baby treasures" that he found around the house
Isaac always puts his feet up on his highchair tray when I feed him....It's so funny to me!
I love kissing on his sweet face whenever I get the opportunity
Thank you, Jesus for our little baby Isaac! We all love being around him. He does not even have to be doing anything and he puts a smile on my face. I enjoy all 4 of my little ones....I am in awe of Your True Generosity towards me to give me these 4 precious souls to watch over. Help me to be the mom to them that you had envisioned for them. Help me to guide them to be able to hear Your Gentle Call for their Christian mission here on earth. I love You with all of my heart, Father
Love Kerry Ann