Thursday, September 29


Dear Gracie Ann,
One thing I can tell you, without a doubt, is that multitudes of the faithful have prayed so much for you, and for that, I am so grateful. These prayers to our Sweet Jesus are the only reason why you (and mommy) are here today. Your fragile brain suffered quite a trauma when I stopped breathing that day and I am so sorry for not keeping you safe inside of me like I promised you....But Jesus held us both so tightly and close to Him, as the doctors decided what to do......we were both asleep and daddy said that it did not look good.  But, our Mighty and Eternal Creator is bigger than all of the strength that “impossible” can muster up!  He is the Alpha and the Omega and He loves us so much that He heard all of our cries and the cries of our loved ones and granted us our petition, as He saved our lives!!  It has been a long and tedious road, but you have beaten every odd and God has been truly glorified through your tiny little life!  Daddy and I along with your two brothers and two sisters (you’re #5 kiddo) love you more than you can possibly imagine and we promise that we will always take care of you.

We are learning so much about you every day, so that we know how to care for you. 
(my brave little girl during her EEG)

Your doctors say that you have something called "Trauma Induced Infant Spasms" and "Bi Pelagic Cerebral Palsy", as well as "Partial Cortical Blindness". My sweet little bunny.....these terms are bigger than you are!! Your daddy and I continually lift you up to our Lord as we prayerfully discern each and every decision that we make for you…as God has entrusted us to be your voice and your advocate!! 
(we have never seen you smile but one afternoon Jesus blessed me with this special opportunity to gaze upon you as you experienced a sweet little dream) 

 Gracie Ann, we just cannot express how much happiness you bring to our family!  You have the most adorable little baby sneezes ever heard on this earth! You are so cuddly and sweet!  We love to put you in cute outfits and kiss your soft belly and play with your tiny toes!  Even though you cannot understand all that is going on around you, Daddy and I will continue to fervently pray for our little bunny and work with you to give you every opportunity possible.

BUT PLEASE KNOW THIS…. Daddy and I are certain, without a doubt, know that you were absolutely and perfectly created in the Hands of our Mighty God exactly as He desired you, in order for you to fulfill the ministry that He intended for you on this earth. 
(you look like a yummy little cupcake)
(I just had to add this second picture because you had just scared yourself sneezing and got upset)

Right now you continue bringing our family bounds of joy and peace. Gracie Ann, you ARE peace personified. You radiate our Lord's Perfect Love to everyone who looks upon you!! You bring a powerful healing to the hearts of everyone who holds you. You are mysteriously amazing, because God made you that way!! We can't even explain it. 

I love you so much, Gracie Ann
Love, mom

Thank You Jesus for our sweet little blessing!  Thank You for all five of our sweet blessings....We just love them each with our entire heart.....Please help us to guide them home to You