Thursday, February 9
Some of my favorite days are just our normal days, at home with nothing going on....We have had a lot of that these past few weeks and I love just being a mom/teacher and living our "ordinary time".
The weather has been really cold in the mornings so it is such a blessing to not have to get out in it! We have been saying morning prayers by the fire and crowding around the heater in the schoolroom for reading time
I just love this time of year.......It is so cozy
Sweet Little Faces
There is a better look at my Madison
This morning Madison, Savannah, and Nicholas got up early to surprise me with breakfast in bed!!
It was a yummy breakfast consisting of cinnamon toast, fresh cut apples and milk (Madison wasn't sure if I would want her to use anything more than the toaster without me there in the kitchen....she is so thoughtful!)
Then they quickly started their school work as I ate it
It was a great and peaceful day!!
I had to take this picture because this is my HEAVY DUTY apple corer! I used to have a plastic one that never seemed strong enough to cut through the apples so I got this really HEAVY one! I still cannot get it through an apple without pushing down with my entire body weight (Jeremy has the same problem) and sometimes even then, it will not cut through......I have now given up on the thing and have gone back to the old fashioned.....knife!!! Jeremy and I always laugh about how this apple corer is so hard to use
Madison got it half way through the apple this morning and then it stalled out, so she had to tear the pieces free from the "helpful" utensil
What a blessed day we had! I love my family!