We had a wonderful and relaxing Easter weekend with my extended family at our lakehouse this weekend
There was lots of loud talking (part of my Polish Catholic heritage), eruptions of billowing laughter, and lots of yummy food (Also, a part my Polish Catholic heritage)!! We shopped a little at granbury's biggest super store....Walmart and enjoyed lots of sitting around staring at the calm water (resting)
(most of these pics taken by Madison, with her new camera that she had been saving up for)
Nicholas zip-lining across the yard
We got this cool zip line from Grammy and Oompa last Christmas and boy do we love it!!
Madison taking a pic of herself with her new camera
Shelling right outside the house next to the lake
(notice Max IN the lake)
"wet Max"
(Kerry, Nicholas, Courtney)
Nicholas and my 2 sweet nieces
Getting in the water as far as we can without the water getting into our rain boots! And then actually GETTING water inside of our rain boots (but it was fun!!)
My precious niece, Courtney
Some more pictures captured by Madison's new camera. She is quite the photog!!
She was continuously awed by how beautiful God's natural creations really are. Madison and I always comment on how much fun our Lord must have had creating some of the amazing things of our world.....some so little and seemingly insignificant but so detailed and perfectly extraordinary!! Her camera really showcased the rich colors and textures
The boys put together a model airplane to fly out over the lake
Grandpa (My Daddy) and Nicholas enjoying some "guy time" on the porch while the plane was assembled
The boys launching the airplane from the marina across the lake from our house
(we all sat outside to watch the plane take off)
Nana napping in the calm of the fresh lake air
Easter Morning
Everyone was super tired.....went stayed up late and attended our Easter Vigil Mass at St. Francis Cabrini (our Granbury church)
We got to see many people Baptized and Confirmed into the Catholic church. It was really powerful to see these adults in tears as they were Baptized! What a beautiful Sacrament!! This is what Easter is all about......I absolutely LOVE Easter Vigil!! We go every year......what an amazing Climax to Lent!!
Even though the children were tired, they STILL managed to get up early to see what the Easter Bunny had left on his visit!!
Savannah Easter morning
My mom and daddy watching the kids look to find where the Easter Bunny hid their Easter baskets
In no time at all the kids were exploring their special treats
(lots of religious stuff to remind them of their precious Lord, Jesus)
My love, Jeremy enjoying such a splendid morning

One more of Max.....doesn't he look like a puppy in this pic?!?!
Yikes!! a storm is blowing in from the West.....hurry outside and lets find all of the Easter eggs!
Wow the Easter Bunny sure did leave LOTS of eggs for the children to hunt...It might have been one of the biggest Easter Egg Hunts in the world!!!
The kids had an absolutely FABULOUS time....and the weather held out for them.....Thank you, Jesus
My sweet mom and dad (or Di and Jimmer as they so lovingly refer to each other) walking arm and arm back into the house after the hunt was complete. Aren't they just adorable together in their jammies
God is so GREAT!! Not a drop of rain fell while we were hunting eggs!! Thank you, Jesus for such a memorable and pleasant morning....now let's get inside the house before the rains DO in fact come down!!
Discovering what treasures will be found in our Easter eggs
Many tiny treasures hidden in colorful plastic eggs....each one holds a secret!!
candy, stickers, rings, and a couple of matchbox cars were some of these treasures
Each opened egg put a smile on the sweet faces of all of the cousins
Later That Afternoon
Sky cleared and the dads took all of the kids (even Max) on a hike in the afternoon
Then the smells of the turkey and fixings took over and everybody knew without a doubt that it was finally time for Easter Dinner!!
Jeremy made this fabulously juicy turkey in the Green Egg. He really is a gifted chef! He worked on the prep for 2 days!! It was a masterpiece!!
Our family's favorite "Delux Potato Casserole".....we have it at absolutely all holiday meals!!
Vegetables and stuffing.....Yummy!!
Nana with my mom and dad
It was a wonderful Easter weekend with the family. These are the good times for sure! Times that I, along with my children, will remember for a lifetime
Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia!!!