Thursday, May 28


What to do on day #3 of summer

 Savannah with her Double Chocolate-Chip Frappuccino
(no whip)
Madison with her $3.00 Starbucks Banana
(Really Madi.....We literally have  a "bunch" of FREE bananas at home)

Then.....During the first sunny afternoon in weeks,  we ran some errands, played with baby Isaac and went swimming

Nothing better than ending the day with a Sacrament

Oops....Got to church at 4:30pm
(Confession starts at 6:00pm)
I knew that Confession started at 6:00pm, but for some reason, all day I kept telling the kids that we had to be to church by 4:30pm.  They of course obediently followed my lead without question
 (I kept saying 4:30pm, but I really meant 5:30pm)
We were an 1 1/2 HOURS EARLY....WITH A 14 MONTH OLD BABY!!
(Feeding Isaac Goldfish, while counting down the minutes until 6:00pm)

You know what, Isaac ended up doing just fine and that special time in the quietness of the darkened Sanctuary with no one else around was tranquil and truly beautiful! This Confession was JUST as Jesus had planned it for us.  

My God, You are So Inconceivably Marvelous and Perfect!
(I know....That description is quite a reach with the combination of adjectives, but there are truly no words that have been invented yet,  that could ever even come close to describing Him! And I am pretty sure that there never will be either)

So, needless to say we were the FIRST people (repenters) in line!
Gotta love Fr. Dennis.....A truly amazing Confession paired with some "most inspiring" Spiritual Direction

The kids were not even bothered by my mistake
(They are so good to me)

Here are some PRE-CONFESSION Pics of Nicholas and Savannah

I really tried to get some POST-CONFESSION pics of the kids, but after they received this most purifying of Sacraments, they were so luminous and radiant, that their images on my iPhone only showed up as this amazingly beautiful incandescent glow

What a truly WONDERFUL day it was!

Thank you, Father for Your Special Surprise Gift to our family Today