We met this nun on our plane! What a blessing that we got to sit near her and get to know her a little

Got there just in time for dinner on the first night. This was Isaac's first time to ever color with crayons. Of course....he colored for a bit and then proceeded to EAT the crayon...luckily it was non-toxic
Nicholas with our sweet cousins Kerry and Courtney
We spent the entire next day swimming, water-sliding, and floating in the Lazy River
We had a fun party with all of the Alumni and their families that night with a DJ and dance music. The dance floor lit up! Isaac thought that this was the coolest thing ever....I really did too!
The floor kept changing color as the music changed....everyone was having a ball!
Isaac was in the center, causing quite a "baby-stir" all of the older kids loved him and wanted to keep watching him dance......Which he loved to do!
Dr. Suess teaching the kids some fun dance moves
Everyone was so jovial and excited.....what a fun evening with our friends!
Isaac still dancing!
Photo Bomber (Campbell Young)
All of the kids were awarded special honors and ribbons for things that they had accomplished or enjoyed on this super amazing weekend. This is a fun tradition that has been going on for decades!
Madison and Isaac and their medals
Nicholas and his friend Luke sitting by the dance floor taking a break from the crazy dancing
These sweet boys look forward to seeing each other each summer
Not sure who is being crazier.....Madison or Isaac....probably both are being crazy and having a blast while doing it!
Isaac being silly the morning that we are packing up to leave
We had a great time this weekend and look forward to next summer