Saturday, October 10
Jeremy and I are going out to eat tonight for a special date!! Just the two of us!! I can't wait....most all of our pics are of our (precious) children, so we thought one of us might be nice. Not only is our date night picture taken in our BATHROOM, but you can't even appreciate my super cute cowboy boots because our 18mon old is trying to hold daddy's hand because does not want us to leave....
#hurryandruntothecarbeforeisaaccries #guaranteedatleast5callsfromthekids#thisisourcrazylife #wouldntchangeathing
And by the way.....all of those silly hashtags.....I love ALL OF THAT!!
I love the joy and craziness of a house full of little voices, especially voices of those special little blessings that I get to be mama to, EVERY DAY!
To hear one of them call out my name, "Mom", even if they are calling it loudly and incessantly as I am trying to finish a task...makes my heart flutter, because the name "Mother" is an honor and a privilege that I have been gifted with from my Father Above.
Jesus, help me to bring dignity to the name of "Mother" and help me to answer each calling from my children, peacefully with a loving smile on my face, because I do love them more than I can describe and I WANT to be the one who they call on when they are joyful, sad, scared, or frustrated. I want to be the one that they call to show me how they can jump off of the diving board for the 10TH time!
It is totally AWESOME that Me seeing that most important jump off of the diving board makes it more real and exciting for them. Who wouldn't want to be THAT important! I am undeserving but oh so grateful!
Thank you Jesus for choosing me to be a be THEIR mommy
I love You dear Father