Thursday, October 1
When I was sick last friend Celeste brought this Willow Angel to me in the hospital. This angel is called "Courage" and when Celeste surprised me with her, I was so greatly touched. I didn't know her name at first, but instantly when I saw her.....Jesus tenderly wrote on my heart, "Surrender", Kerry.....Surrender it ALL to Me now!! With her arms stretched out, raised to the sky, this tiny figure is triumphantly surrendering everything she has to give!
I surrendered myself to our Lord again, with her is a decision that I consciously make each day. I will joyfully surrender totally! Nothing I have to offer You, Lord is worth much, but it is everything that our Lord finds valuable and it is all that He asks me for.
All I have is my brokenness because everything "good" in my is already Him! I am enough for Him because He loves me so perfectly and as He lovingly formed me in His mighty Hands, He whispered into my heart that He would offer Himself for me fully and hoped that I would simply offer myself fully back to Him. I love thinking about Jesus Christ looking down at me as I raise my arms up, reaching for Him
All to Jesus
I surrender
All to Him
I freely give
I will ever
Love and trust Him
In His presence
Daily live
I surrender all
I surrender all
All to Thee
My blessed Saviour
I surrender all
Surrender all: Michael W Smith