During Advent, As I ponder the Beautiful Virgin Mary preparing for her precious little one to be born, I prepare my heart for your arrival as well. It is one way in which I feel very connected with our most Holy Mary. We are both mothers and even my imperfect love, compared to her perfect sinless love, still allows me a small peek into what she might have been feeling on this very day, just weeks before Jesus was born.
Thank you, Lord Jesus for the blessing of being a mother and for the wonderful an amazing miracle of growing this little body, whom I already love with my entire heart, RIGHT HERE inside of my own. For my body has never been my own, it is a sanctuary that I offer to You, God, but in this true miracle, the realization of this sanctuary is never quite felt as strong as it does right now, as I have this precious little life growing inside of me.
My Dearest Little Gracie Ann,
Guess what......I felt you move inside of me today for the first time! Your sweet and fragile little body was kicking around inside of my tummy and I felt overwhelmed with blessings to be able to feel it! What a joy-filled moment that was for your mommy! As I laid in bed, after a busy day, you were finally awake to enjoy the silence of my stillness.....you had slept for most of the day, as my constant movement rocked you back and forth in forced slumber! Of course as you know, I am already in love with you and I love being able to have this special mommy/daughter time all to ourselves. Gracie, this time together will never be repeated in such a special and intimate way as it is right now. I will cherish every moment and write these blessings directly on my heart for the memories to last for a lifetime!
Your brothers and sisters are so very anxious to get to see you moving around and feel your little kicks from the outside of my silly round belly, but they will have to wait just a little longer before they share in this great joy.....for now it is just for us.
I love you Gracie Ann and I am counting down the weeks until you can be kissed and held in my arms....I am 4 1/2 months along and so there are 20 more weeks to go!