Saturday, November 21



Dear Gracie Ann,
We got to see you today!  Your sweet little face warmed our hearts as you jumped and squirmed with excitement all over the screen!  We pray for your safety and growth each and every night and cannot wait to hold you in our arms.  We got to find out today that you are a little girl!!  We have a sweet little sister on the way!
We all kind of thought that you were a little girl......I guess that in our hearts, we already knew you! We official named you Gracie Ann.  Ann, after your mommy....ME! I grew up as "Kerry Ann" and now you will grow up as " Gracie Ann" and mommy is so humbled and blessed that daddy wanted you to carry on my name!!
Your first name is Gracie, which means "Unmerited favor and love of God, or God's Favor"  You are a virtue and a beautiful gift from Jesus.  Your first name, Gracie is in honor of a very special girl we know, named Grace, that we just know will be a special person in your life.  Gracie, You are here because our Lord desired it and He showed His Mightiness in how you are coming into this world, through a very unlikely vehicle that only He could have envisioned as a vehicle.  He is so good to us and He has yet again blessed us, with you!
Your big brother, Isaac, wanted to lay RIGHT BY mommy (on the table) as we saw you on the screen.  He is so excited to be a big brother....he just doesn't know it yet : )
Giving some kisses and "nosies" to a concerned little Isaac, laying next to me wondering what they are doing to mommy
Look at your little hands on your face....You are just so precious little Gracie Ann!
We love you so much!

Oh, thank you Jesus, for sweet little Gracie Ann!  We could not imagine a day without her....You have amazed us again with Your Graciousness.  You have showered us yet again with Your Merciful Love for Your most undeserving children!  Thank you for always blessing us so far beyond our dreams!  You see everything and You delight in our delight.  You are a wonderful and mighty and perfect Father.

Praise You Lord Jesus, King of Kings