Who would've ever thought.....an ordinary girl like me would ever be loved by such an extraordinary boy
To My one and only Love, Jeremy,
(I wrote this portion last January 2016)
Dear Jeremy,
I blog about you quite often, but it still seems to fall short of truly expressing my gratitude towards our Lord, Who gave you to me.
It is January something, 2016 and it is a Friday afternoon and I am laying in our bed right now with baby Gracie Ann growing in my belly. I am physically exhausted and need to rest before Isaac awakes from his afternoon nap, but I cannot seem to fall asleep. I can see you out our bedroom window....you are pacing our back porch, on a business call. Even on your day off, you are working so hard to keep everything afloat so that the kids and I do not have a worry in the world....what a gift that is to us. Even when you are worn out and weary, you continue to labor, putting me and our kids before your own needs and I am feeling unworthy but so very grateful for you.
(I wrote this portion today July 2016)
Jeremy, I feel so blessed to have had you as my husband for the past 19 years and feeling blessed that we have been in love for MORE THAN 1/2 of our lifetimes!
Jer.....We have been together....LONGER than we have been apart! Jesus brought you into my life 22 years ago, when we were only 18.
Wow, can you believe it.....
I know that people say things like "Our wedding day seems like yesterday" and in some ways it does....but when I think of us at 18 and now at 40.....We have truly been together for a lifetime!
We have literally grown up together, and I love that! Together, Hand and hand, we have learned the ways of the world and how we fit into all of it.
Think about this.......When I met you in 1993, I was still heavily hair-spraying my "spiral permed" hair and you were still wearing both a turtle-neck AND an oversized GAP button up, tucked into your stone-washed jeans!
You bought me my very first music CD "Gin Blossoms" and you would play my favorite song for me over and over and OVER again as we drove in your car. I would sing really loud and swing my hair from side to side as I was very cheerily "car-dancing"....and you would just smile and teasingly roll your eyes at me as you drove. Do you remember that song, "Hey Jealousy"....Boy did I LOVE that song!
Whenever I asked permission, you would let me drive your car, as you were trying to teach me how to drive a "Standard Transmission"......Yikes, did I grind those gears! But as I nervously bit my bottom lip and glanced your way, you NEVER lost your temper!
I remember how you would drive ALL OF THE WAY from Baylor to TCU on a random weekday evening, JUST to take me out to dinner (or simply order in, a Dominos thin crust pizza with extra sauce).....and then you would drive ALL of the way back to Waco that same night because you had an 8:00 class the next morning!
Then college came to an end and we could officially be together for the rest of our lives
We were married one week after graduation......we couldn't wait to be together forever!
We were finally going be officially "Jeremy and Kerry Lustig"
I meant each and every vow that I committed to, in front of our beautiful Lord, as I looked into your blue eyes that day, but I was far from knowing what those vows really meant. God intended for us to make that first marital fiat with total blind faith, so that He could form our hearts together, as He strengthen our bond, preparing us for what our future life held. Somewhere during that time, we went from being two young kids who were married, to a real family unit, centered on Christ! Even now Our Lord continues to faithfully shower us with the Graces that we need to get through the different situations that cross our path.
I would not trade this life for anything. You are my world and my true love! You are my best friend and my soulmate. We have a great life and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world!
Before we were even married, I felt called to start praying a special prayer to our Lord.....my prayer was that no matter what, I would always love you, more than you loved me. Why, because you deserve to be loved the most
And for the last 1/2 of my life, and for the rest of my life, I promise to do just that!
Tomorrow morning if you wake up and the sun does not appear
I will be here
If in the dark we lose sight of love, hold my hand and have no fear
I will be here
I will be here, when you feel like being quiet, when you need to speak your mind I will listen
I will be here, when the laughter turns to crying, through the winning losing and trying
We'll be together
I will be here
Tomorrow morning if you wake up and the future is unclear
I will be here
As sure as seasons were made for change, our lifetimes are made for years
I will be here
I will be here, you can cry on my shoulder, when the mirror tells us were older I will hold you
and I will be here to watch you grow in beauty and and tell you all the things you mean to me
I will be here
I will be true to the promise I had made, to you and to The One Who gave you to me
I will be here
Happy Anniversary
I love you so much Jerms