Wednesday, November 30


Dear Gracie Ann,
You look so pretty today (as you do everyday)  It pleased me so much to see your eyes open this evening.  You are beautiful and perfect.  Thank you for allowing me to capture this moment, as this picture exemplifies all that is Miss Gracie!
This is Gracie Ann in her new hat.

She got it at her hematology appointment today

There is a sweet lady who makes these baby hats for the little children who are patients of Dr Johnson. What a beautiful and lovely gift to give to these sick little ones.....

And by the way.....even though this particular little angel does not even understand what a gift is, or even what a HAT sure does make her mommy's heart beat in total gratitude for the kindness that surrounds us....It was truly the hug from Jesus that this mommy needed today.

I love you my Little Pumpkin and so does Jesus