Tuesday, November 29



Our house is now officially adorned with lights and decorations in preparation for the BIGGEST birthday party of the year!  Our sweet Little Lord Jesus deserves nothing less than the most beautiful and amazing celebration that our world has to offer!

Our family tradition is to decorate the house as we watch the Macy's Day Parade on the TV (muted) while we listen to our own Christmas music playlist, flooding our house with joyous cheer!  Everybody starts out a little shy (except of me...I love singing Christmas songs), but by the 3rd Christmas carol, Jeremy, and all of the kids are singing along, as we hang the wreaths, fluff the garland, and trim the tree.

One of my favorite things to do during Advent and into the Christmas season, is to sit in my family room at night with no lights on except our Christmas tree (and the fireplace, which illuminates our Christmas stockings)  It warms my child-like heart so much and I actually feel our Lord's Holy Presence in a kind of visibly and almost tangible way

One thing that makes this very special moment a lot sweeter is when I get to sit in my family room snuggling up to my very best friend and my lifelong love, Jeremy, enjoying the ambience together
(Look at ALL of those stockings!!  I cannot believe that there are SEVEN!  How blessed we are)

(How my heart danced with thanksgiving as Jeremy struggled to make them all fit under the mantle of our fireplace)
Now I am just bragging about my children and I apologize
Our Christmas tree remains lit even throughout the daytime as it brings us so much joy, simply just by looking at it. In fact when we homeschooled, we would gather around the tree to say our morning prayers and our Rosary together.  Boy, do I miss having my kids home with me all day long.  I loved and I miss our homeschool life

 Unfortunately, last year we were unable to decorate for Christmas, which really wore heavy on our hearts, as it was a constant reminder of the stresses that our family was facing.  As much as we tried to focus on preparing our hearts through family prayer time and Advent reflections, we struggled to get passed the absence of the beautiful and eye-pleasing decor.

Jesus gifted us with our most precious five senses, to be able to fully experience our amazing faith throughout the Liturgical year, both spiritually and physically.  He is all knowing......for our human-ness yearns to "feel" God using each different sense. 

Isaac LOVES baby Jesus (all of us do) so the children have always had their OWN Nativity that they could reach and touch
(Isaac kissing Baby Jesus...he even gives baby Jesus rides on his toy fire engine.....what a delight little Isaac is to our Lord)

It is not always His Will, though to allow us to experience Him with all five senses, as the definition of faith is a "Belief based solely on spiritual apprehension, rather than physical proof" (Doubting Thomas)

"They told him, "We have seen the Lord!" But he replied, "I won't believe it unless I see the nail wounds in His Hands, put my fingers into them, and place my hand into the wound of His Side."
(John 20:25)

  Last year's lack of decor was surly a most beautiful sacrifice that our hearts gained so much strength from, but now that our Lord has allowed a time of new life for our family, this year we pulled out all of stops for a truly Royal Celebration for our New Born King.

This beautiful statue of Jesus sits on the coffee table.  Very often I will find that the children have put little gifts in His crib with Him, or have covered Him up with their special blanket to keep Him warm

A couple of years ago, I finally bought a Grand Nativity Scene that proves to be more glorifying to our Royal King.  
Our little Nativity has always been very pleasing, but I felt like our Nativity Scene needed to be the most resplendent of Christmas decor

This now adorns our dining room table and is the first thing that you see as you enter our home

(Mainly so that next year I can refer to this blog post and remember where everything goes)

Our Advent house as we count down the days until the big Birthday Celebration.  All of our children from oldest to youngest look forward to opening each door as the most blessed day moves closer
It looks similar to the Advent house that I grew up with
St. Nicholas does make an appearance on our kitchen table with some bells, hanging from the chandelier
I will share just one more pic, so as not to bore you....I love all of the color and sparkle around our home
When it is time to take the Christmas decor down (on the Feast of the Epiphany) our house looks so Barren


Last year we could not decorate outside either, so we were the grinches of the entire neighborhood!  So, this year we made up for it with a big lights display.....maybe a little too bright, but the kids love it and hopefully it brings joy to all who pass by our home at night


May this Advent be fruitful and joyous in your soul


I love you Jesus with all of my heart and I will forever Praise You for all of the blessings that you have so lovingly and mercifully bestowed on all of us
kerry ann