Monday, October 23


For the past 2 years I was unable to take my little ones to the pumpkin patch, so this year I was bound and determined to not only make it happen, but to also make it an event to remember

This is a true story by the Lustig Family
Below is the ending picture, but how did we get to this peaceful and happy place....
Here we are ALL HAPPY and smiling.....but this picture was not an easy task to accomplish


It started at the house with Isaac sobbing and NOT wanting to put on his Halloween costume
Then, again crying when he FELL getting into the car...Thankfully Savannah was able to calm him down...
And ALL are happy
 We finally made it to the Pumpkin Patch without TOO much frustration, getting everyone out of the car as Jeremy had to finish up a business call
And ALL are happy
 Isaac was MAJORLY looking forward to the bounce house, as that was his ONLY reason for him agreeing to go! this particular pumpkin patch, the bounce house is ONLY open on the weekends 
(this was a Monday) 
Well, obviously THAT was NOT going to be okay, as the first words out of Isaac's mouth were "Where's the bounce house", so mommy ignored the sign and innocently stuffed Isaac into the bounce house ANYWAY....for at least a few fun jumps
Hey a moms gotta do that sometimes!
And ALL are happy
 There is even a basketball court for the older kids and Jeremy to play on...what a fun time as a family....It is just how I imagined it, as I had dreamt of this evening all month long
And ALL are happy

 Isaac falls......uncontrolable sobbing and flailing of his body
 Daddy calms him down and they are able to smile for this quick picture
And ALL are happy
 My family continues to play warmed my heart so much....I had tears in my eyes, remembering missing out on all of this for so long
(Madison teared up as well  remembering picking out pumpkins last year, while I was in the hospital)
 Even Isaac is playing and laughing as I am praising Jesus for this special moment with our entire family being together
 I grab Isaac for some mommy/Isaac "Selfies" and even got a kiss from this joyful boy
 Isaac went back to play basketball with the others as I stole some special moments with Gracie Ann 
And ALL are happy

 Isaac gets hit with the basketball and bursts into tears...yet again
 He cannot be calmed down by anyone...he ONLY wants mommy
 I hold Isaac close and finally calm his sweet little soul until he smiles
And ALL are happy AGAIN
 More family basketball, with me standing on the side, cringing at the thought of Isaac falling down or being hit with the ball again
And ALL are STILL happy


 Isaac finds a white too heavy for him to carry and drops it...He then only wanted corn
He starts crying because he is NOT allowed to pick up anymore pumpkins....only the baby pumpkin that he found first
 He was thankfully NOT crying TOO hard this time, and was miraculously calmed easily by Nicholas
And ALL are happy AGAIN
 Everyone found a pumpkin that they liked and everyone was smiling and filled with joy
I love how Jesus does that......He blesses these little hearts to forget a hardship and only remember the fun
 So here we are.......ALL HAPPY
 Gracie Ann was snuggled up right when we got home, as it was cold outside by the end of our pumpkin patch visit
She looked just like a kitty
All of the kids went to sleep and ALL are happy!

My Dearest Jesus,
I stand in total gratitude for blessing me with all of these wonderful mommy moments, that I could only dream of the past couple of years....thank you for fall, for beautiful leaves, beautiful pumpkins, and for cool evenings made perfect for pumpkin patches

Please help me to be a patient and perfect mommy for these 5 precious souls that you entrusted to me.  I promise to follow You and do everything that I can to lead my little ones home to You each and everyday of my life....from now until forever
I love you with all of my heart
kerry ann