Friday, February 2
*My two precious Loves get to spend the day together
*Little Gracie Ann is still on oxygen......her SATS just refuse to remain stable
*Her little tummy was sick this morning
*But she is resting peacefully now
Thank you all so much again for contiuing to lift Gracie Ann up to our Lord!
He is watching over her so very closely......He feels her every breath
Please Jesus,
Hold our little Gracie Ann tight against You today, as she struggles to breathe easier. If it be Your Will, please allow me to take on this suffering for her, so that she may be healed!
We love her so much and we love You Lord Father
We cannot wait to get this little one home as soon as we can.
I just miss her SO MUCH, I can barely stand it
I just want to see her and hold her, but only in Your perfect Will and in Your perfect Time
kerry ann
Jesus, I trust in You