I love You so much and I am so honored to carry this special cross for You. You gave it to me out of Perfect Love and I am eternally grateful to You. It is so heavy but made of the most amazing and glorious gems that could ever be found.
They are not even of this earth.....for they are too precious and perfect...these gems that cover this wonderously beautiful cross were made from Your most Holy and most Exquisite Nail-Scared Hands.

Please stay with me forever Jesus and I will carry this cross for Your Absolute Glory.....because without You Lord Jesus Christ, I could not carry it's weight.
This proved to be a challenging summer without my sweet Gracie Ann. My heart just aches to see her and to hold her.
I love these blessings and the opportunities to find You hidden in this earthly exile, but I yearn to be Home with You, my Father. I long for You and to adore You eternally forever and ever without any earthly distractions
Until then......
So, I will praise You and Glorify You on this earth for as long as You desire me to my Lord
I love You with all of my heart Dear Father
kerry ann