Saturday, November 3


(this is me, the day of my First Holy Communion)
I added this pictue because when I pray to our Lord or when I imagine Him looking down upon me or when I think about meeting Him someday, I am always wearing my white First Holy Communion dress, with my white tights and my white sandals.  I was His perfect bride on that Sunday afternoon, April 24, 1983
I envision myself all cleansed and pure.  I imagine myself (when I meet Him) as a little girl, standing on His Most Holy Feet, holding onto His Most Holy Hands, as we dance together
(like daddies dance with their little girls)
I know that He was so proud of His little kerry ann on that day.  
I want Him to always see His little kerry ann like this.  free from sin...and for the first time (that day) physically Full of Himself, through the Most Holy Eucharist.
I wish that I could be her again.  Little and pure.

My Lord Jesus always spoils me so much and I am so very grateful for all of His gifts. They have greatly blessed my faith and they have greatly blessed my life. I am so undeserving
....but my Merciful Lord Jesus showers me with gift after gift after gift anyway

November 3, 2018
 Jeremy manned the table for the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe
La Crosse Wisconsin
 Jeremy was so blessed to host our Most Holy Cardinal Burke and interview him regarding the Troops of St. George
 He was blessed to attend the Mass presided by this Most Holy Cardinal.  He is truly a faithful shepherd

 Cardinal Burke is such a faithful Catholic Religious, who stands up for the truth no matter what the cost.  He is the reflection of Christ's True Teachings and will never sway
 Jeremy was able to really get to know Cardinal Burke and visit with him between his interviewing for the Troops of St. George website
 Jesus blessed me with a strong and holy Catholic husband to lead me and our children back home to Heaven. Jeremy is a leader and reflects Christ's Love
 Our parish St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is filled with holy Catholic men who have not given up on their role as strong men and strong fathers
These men are following the example of Christ, through His holy earthly father, St. Joseph

Jeremy and I (only through our blessed Lord) were blessed as to meet St. Gianna's daughter, Gianna Emmanuela and had her precious and powerful prayers for myself, Gracie Ann and our entire family throughout all of our health trials
Our Lord never ceases to amaze me with His Love and His Mightiness
Jeremy and Gianna Emmanuela
After a wonderful day of beautiful talks, Mass, and conversations, Jeremy came to our house and picked me up as well as our kids, Savannah, Isaac, and Joey Sipe to go and meet Gianna Emmanuela and Cardinal Burke
(Madison was at college, Nicholas was at the races with the Sipe's, and of course Gracie Ann was safe in Heaven)
Somehow, with my littleness and my humanness, I wished that ALL of my children could have been there with us....even Gracie my heart already knew that she WAS there....looking down from Heaven. I would never pray her back into this Exile, but my heart misses her just so very much

St. Gianna's Daugher
Gianna Emmanuella
I’m so undeserving to take any of her time, but the moment she saw me in the crowd, she stopped talking in hurried over to meet me. When I embraced Gianna Emmanuela. She felt so much genuinely family (one body in Christ) She has been praying to her “Saint Mama” on my behalf and on the behalf of Gracie Ann. 
This experience, was our Lord showing His Love and His Holy Face to me
 I am so unworthy of this holy lady's love and prayers.  Her embrace was simply Heavenly
I gave her a clothe that belonged to our sweet Gracie Ann, since Gianna had prayed to HER Saint Mama, for Gracie Ann and myself
I wanted to give her something of St. Gracie Ann's because I am so grateful for her prayers and even her simple thought of little scrawny me

I also got to show her my obnoxiously big Catholic necklace with charms of precious and important saints and special devotions that i have. 
When shopping for a St. Gianna metal, that I found a locket. I have never seen a Saint medal that was a locket. 

How providential that was, as it gave me the opportunity to put both Isaac and Gracie Ann inside of it, because they were my children that were never supposed to be born by worldly standards. 
God is bigger than all of my littleness


 I was so stuck with holiness in his presence.  I have dreamed of kissing his ring and thanking him for being a light to the world for Christ
.....and so I did just that!
I kissed Cardinal Burke’s ring.  And, in all of my nervousness, somehow I managed to say, "your Eminence".....Then I said, "Thank you so much for being a most faithful shepherd of Christ, leading your sheep home to Jesus. He said “you’re welcome and please pray for me”

What a great day indeed....there is a funny story about Joey's t-shirt. 

Last sweet surprise from Jesus 
Jeremy had been at the Convention all day....but at the end of it, when most people were gone, called me to at home to tell me that he was coming to pick me up and to bring me to the Convention Center.
Joey was over at our house.  He wanted to go with us of course but was embarrassed of his T-shirt and what it said.  I reassured Jeremy did when we arrived......that NOBODY would notice or even pay attention to his shirt.  He was kind of covering it up with his arms before and after we took the picture with Cardinal Burke. we were saying goodbye to the Cardinal, he stopped and looked at Joey and ASKED him what his shirt said.  Joey, embarrassingly moved his arms away as the Cardinal read it allowed......

"I ALREADY WANT TO TAKE A NAP TOMORROW....That is exactly how I feel right now!"
And the Cardinal laughed!

Oh Jesus....
I love You so much.....You are a Joyful God and You want your children to be joyful too
We are so nervous and serious and You always find ways to bring us laughter.....even in an unexpected moment
Thank You for blessing me and my family with today
I never expected it and as much as I can say that I was surprised by this amazingly blessed opportunity.......You never cease to amaze Your little girl, kerry ann!
You always leave my heart over flowing with love and consolation