Wednesday, December 12
This Image of our Lady is truly miraculous with such an unbelievably rich history.
Just look the Image of our Lady of Guadelupe and read
You will truly be amazed
Mary, my example of the Perfect Mother, I thank God for your amazing example of Discipleship and faithful Motherhood.
Mary, you are the Mother of God
Our faithful Church is a church of True and Holy Celebration. Jesus gave us such a joy-filled legacy.
So many faithful, gathered together in celebration of your most Blessed Mother and all of the miracles that surround her
It was so fun for the kids too and we precessed with our Lady's beautiful and miraculous Image as we sang and prayed to Jesus throughout our Church's pryaer garden (which houses the Columbarium) where, is laid to res,t our precious baby Gracie Ann Lustig
Me and my Love, Jeremy during the procession
What an amazing celebration of true thanksgiving for Miracles
Praise to our Lord God for all of the ways that He reveals to us His Most Beautiful and Most Holy Face here on earth
Okay, I have to admit that I followed Fr. Dennis throughout the entire precession. Fr Dennis's holiness is inspiring and least I pray that I catch it!
Thank You Lord Jesus,
For all of Your wonderful blessings and miracles that You have gifted us in this Exile. Oh Lord Jesus, I cannot wait to meet You one day. I cannot wait until I can just gaze upon Your Most Blessed and Loving Face.
(an acutal picture taken during the Consecration at a Holy Mass)
(The priests hands holding the Host in the the lower left corner)
Thank You for also gifting your children with holy priests, who so faithfully offer their lives to be Your Voice in this world, to be Your Hands to Your children, through the Sacraments, and to deliver You, physically.....Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity (through the Consecration at Holy Mass) to all of Your beloved, in the Most Holy Eucharist
Blessed Be the Holy Hands of Your Priests